Case studies and solutions for lift issues
The following cost saving case studies show how Ascent Lift Consultancy Ltd addresses lift issues to resolve problems and save clients money.
Cost Saving Case Studies
The following actual case studies that Karl Grey has been involved in demonstrate the total saving to the respective clients by the engagement of a lift consultant. These savings include fees for the lift consultancy service.
Manchester Methodist Housing Association, Greater Manchester
The Housing Association were advised by their incumbent lift contractor that £30,000 of essential work was required on their 17 lifts. After being commissioned to carry out a site inspection of each lift and provide a report £5,000 of essential work was actually required.
Total saving £25,000
Bridgewater Bank Management Company, Manchester
The Management Company were told that a new controller required replacing at a value of £5,000 on one of their lifts and the other eight lifts would need replacement in the near future at a total cost of £40,000.Karl was employed and after interpreting the service contract the works were undertaken within the cost of the annual premium. Also further investigation revealed that replacement of the controllers was not required.
Total saving £45,000
25 Church Street, Manchester
The Management Company received several quotations for additional work outside the scope of the service contract valued at £6,000. Karl reviewed and negotiated these works, which included some items that were found to be included in the service contract.
Total saving £3,000
Manchester Airport, Manchester
Ongoing additional works outside the scope of the modernisation contract, Karl regularly checks the quotation costs and to date a number of these have been sent back to the contractor due to high prices.
Total savings to date £5,000
Preston College, Preston
The college were receiving regular quotations for additional unsolicited works before Karl became involved in the portfolio management contract part of which quotations are challenged for justification. As a result quotations are no longer received.
Total saving £5,500